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The Deep Creek Ruritan Club has six standing committees each with their own purpose and objectives in the community.  For more information or to volunteer, please contact the committee chair listed with that committee.


Buisness and Professions
Chair:  Bill Robins  757-487-9614



Providing and maintaining economic stability and growth in production, commerce and services within the community.



  1. Invite business owners to club meetings and functions.

  2. Provide local businesses of activities available to support the club for events.

  3. Sponsor small business, income tax and financial planning seminars for community.

  4. Provide information through school 'career days', advertisement of displays, flyers, signs and ads within the community regarding upcoming events and general information regarding the club.

  5. Support Annual Chesapeake 4-H Livestock auction.

  6. Present Deep Creek Business of the Year Award to local business.


Citizenship and Patriotism
Chair:  Joe Gargaro  757-485-9474


Fostering the love of country, pride of citizenship and philosophies which enable each citizens' unique rights to be upheld because we are Americans.



  1. Sponsor trips to local nursing homes.

  2. Support local veterans many functions with the VA Hospital

  3. Work with various military organizations within the community.

  4. Support local citizens in emergency situations.


Chair:  Mike Coffman 757-777-0678


To improve the environment and conserve natural resources within the community.



  1. Install an environmentally compliant hood system and gas stove with exhaust system for clubhouse to meet all fire, safety and city codes.

  2. Storm water run-off areas with urgent major clean up needs in Deep Creek

  3. Participate as official sponsors of Clean the Bay Day/Paddle for the Border

  4. Maintain liaison with Chesapeake Environment Improvement Council.

  5. Sponsor Adopt-A-Highway PRogram.

  6. Support recycling program.

  7. Support Beekeepers Guild of South Eastern VA.


Public Service
Chair:  Mike Kirsch  757-617-3713


Services generall provided by governmental, corporate and volunteer agencies that must be provided to citizens.  Aware of all public service needs provide effecient operation and justified expansion and work toward the establishment of additional services.



  1. Support Chesapeake Fire, Police, EMS, CrimeLine and Deep Creek Emergency Response Team.

  2. Support Law Enforcement United Road to Hope.

  3. Support Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters.

  4. Support MEals on Wheels.

  5. Provide Rudy Bears for Chesapeake Police and Fire Departments.

  6. Maintain community bulliten boards and centers for public use.

  7. Sponsor community blood drive.

  8. Sponsor first aid and CPR class.

  9. Maintain/provide press releases for club news/web media, information, activities and events.


Social Development
Chair:  Joe Noha  757-639-8437


Human resources that provide for well-being and development of all people of special concerns.  This unique service takes the initiative to make every effort to provide facilities and services available when possible through club projects and cooperative programs with other organizations, clubs and agencies.



  1. Contribute to Ruritan National Foundation.

  2. Assist needy families with utilities, food or necessities as needed.

  3. Provide wheelcharis, crutches and walkers for those in need.

  4. Provide Communion for shut-ins in Deep Creek area.

  5. Assist elderly and occasionally other in need with yard work.

  6. Support local churches with special events (Sunrise services, food baskets, refreshments).

  7. Support Project Lifesaver, Cerebral Palsy, Operation Smile, American Diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis, ALS Association and Hunters for the Hungry.

  8. Support Social Development Committee with DC emergency Response Team issues/activities.

  9. Honor local Police, Fire and Teacher of the Year.

  10. Present Scholarships.

  11. Spnosor Annual Golf Tournament to support EDMARC Children's Hospice.

  12. Assist with Paddle for the Border.

  13. Deliver food baskets to EDMARC families at Thanksgiving and Christmas.


Youth and Recreation
Chair:  Nikki Keegan  757-487-3866


To assist in provide, maintain and support various youth programswithin the community.



  1. Support Deep Creek and youth sports.

  2. Support local High School programs.

  3. So-Sponsor 'After-Prom Party' at local High School.

  4. Support Boy and Girl Scouts of America.

  5. Sponsor a 'Coach's Corner' at the clubhouse.

  6. Sponsor a child at the Triple R. Ranch of Camp Civitan.

  7. Support other projects which enhance the youth within our community.


Prizes 1
Prizes 2
Prizes 3
Prizes 4
Prizes 5

Recent items donated to

Dominion Village Bingo Store

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